Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Contradiction in essence

Life and reality has its abundant share of contradictions
From hot contradicting cold, big contradicting small, peace contradicting war,
dark contradicting good, and so many others in which one may ask where or
when it will end.

Change is the only constant facet of reality. Is contradictions as well? Is
contradictions in nature good or healthy for the world and its residents?

Contradictions confuse people. One can say that he/she hates you but in actuality
cares for you. One can be so friendly to you but in reality, he/she is your
greatest adversary. One can tell you I will torture you but in totality, I will help
you.In these cases of contradictions, one can truly see what man and woman can
only see - a limited scope of what truthfully is, an instinctive ignorance.

People can read between the lines as much as they can to see contradictions.
People can listen carefully to really hear contradictions. People can thoroughly
feel what is to understand in contradictions.Contradiction is life diversified.
It is part of life that is part of reality's purpose and movement forward,
backward or sideward.

Contradictions are appalling most of the time for it messes your senses in different ways
but then again, contradictions grasped sincerely paves a way to one of life's
finest surprises - a contradiction that takes breaths and words away. This contradiction
of individuals, circumstances,scenarios and moments that though mortifies the
hell out of you for being so effing wrong...beautifully astonishes you into different heights -
making you see that the big difference is only an daydream of what one truly is,
a Godly gift that makes this mess of a world worth something.


  1. Sir uso manosebleed dito! XD grbe.. I read it thrice (with the third one having the most concentration) and I think I finally understood it, somehow.

    okay, so I can't explain what I wanted to say in the organized style so I'll just type everything xD. This is so true, especially about people being able to read between lines of contradiction. It's just that, most people don't get deeper into something, don't pay sincere, open-minded attention to these things that confuse us. I was exactly like that when I was younger, but through a little experience I believe that everyone can be as super sensitive in a good way. I hope I would be meeting people in the future who even cares about every single word, move and facial expressions towards another. I do that s lot to be honest, but it gets tiring when I am the one who only cares about what I do for their sake. Teka ang layo na nung topic xD

    And about contradictions leading us to the finest
    surprises, that is very true. I personally didn't like the art of being surprised, speechless, frozen at the spot and all, but when I've experienced a good one, I've changed my mind. As mentioned on your post, there's always CHANGE! haha

    Really nice post, sir. Really nice.

  2. Wow, to meet such people, that is if you are an anomaly in a field of patterns then you are gonna meet other anomalies as well...

    And yes, it does not feel good to be frozen at the spot...but I always believe, after that block will be something extraordinary or at the least, I passed that hump already...
