Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Kid In My Mother

Note: Parang weird yung title? hahaha anyway... I think this is yet another childish post but oh well, I am still allowed, right ^^

    I've always believed that nobody could love people equally. Or maybe I'm wrong, please tell me, that will be fine. Maybe I would witness something in the future that will make me change my belief, but if it doesn't, then I've accepted this kind of situation already. Even to me, and to the many wonderful things I pay attention to, it happens.

  And I always thought my mother is exactly an example. When I was younger, I negatively viewed this. That my mother is somehow, from the smallest to the biggest of things, treated my younger sister better despite her being sort of spoiled or something. However, as I grow up, it changes, of course. I thought, maybe because I'm older and more capable on taking care of myself, being more independent, I do not need such attention anymore. And undeniably, my younger sister, despite being this hard-headed and spoiled little brat (who disagrees to help me with the laundry), has a pretty face and a touch of cuteness even a stoic face couldn't resist. So yeah, I was being immature so I've decided to just accept things and appreciate having a complete and happy family.

 Recently, my father and I talked a lot about her secretly, haha. I am used to having meaningful, funny, and memorable conversations with my father whom I look up to a lot. And this time he helps me understand things a bit more, since I'm starting to open my eyes to everything. That includes studying the family members' inner personalities, so we could have a closer and a relationship with less worries in the future. Anyway, the specific topic we talked about was the sudden and 'cute' change in my mother's actions towards me.

  We understand that she is a busy woman, working and earning money for us, and she tends to hangout with her friends, reasons why she wasn't able to get home early and have time for us. Well, who wants to be home early just to do the chores for the rest of the day, right? Sometimes, the routine is not healthy and fun. That's why I'm here (raises my hand) to replace her. But well, something changed about her and we really like it. She started to get all cheerful and laughing once again when she gets home, and sometimes, she would help us with whatever we are doing, even the nonsensical things (Does making a bunch of weird selfies count?). Also, she would initiate a talk with me, and although it wasn't as understanding and as deep as my father's topics, I was beyond happy. Who wouldn't? It was the best feeling. But on top of all that, my father and I noticed a habit she started which she normally doesn't, and I'm surprised when she did it for the first time.

  Okay, so this is not a big thing or a serious thing, but it's a big deal for me, personally. After dinner, or sometimes lunch time, she puts a mug of water beside my plate, only for me. When I haven't noticed it, she would remind me that she got me a drink and that I do not have to go get it by myself anymore. That small move didn't just happened once.

  And I am more surprised when she started doing that everyday. I was happy, because come on! Small things and those little details show the sincerity and care of the person! My father also noticed this, and we shared smiles and soft laughs as we talked about how 'cute' my mother is. Father told me that mom's not really expressive (and I was like 'ooohhhh, that's why'), just like me who doesn't do well in expressing myself except writing. I should've been more considerate and understandable at the beginning, I didn't knew she was having a hard time expressing her love for us. But oh well, I love her own version of expressing haha it's cute, and original. XD

  Then at the end, we've discovered another detail. The mug that mother used to hand me over after our meals, it was the same mug everyday, and I wanted to find the reason why. Father, with a playful smirk on his face, showed me that blue mug and pointed something that answers my sudden confusion, and that is the fact that it is customized, a very familiar name written on the mug. The name was 'Precious', which is just the name of my younger sister.

  Father says, "Maybe she was still thinking of your sister while giving you some water?"

  Eh, but who cares? My mom is cute and I love her!


  1. Loving people equally into an extent I think is possible and at the least good to think about, but at the end of the day...I think loving people equally is silly to even try...a tinge of selfishness is also healthy...and measuring such an emotion in terms of equality is doomed to fail most of the times...just love simply, you'll know, you'll feel...especially at the best moments and its smallest...well, I could be wrong...

    1. Hmmm.... I think 'silly' is a nice description. Agree, i've seen and heard such stories when loving people equally failed at the end.

      "Love simply." I Think the word simple makes the best partner with words.

  2. This is really an interesting, other than letting yourself out there which I truly admire...the story speaks in a way that is just puts a smile on one's truly warms the heart...the storytelling is also simple yet surprising...kumbaga, may mga pasabog...really nice, I was really to your next post, its been a while since your last...and I just notice...its as if its only 3 people that posts here...hahaha, but guys make it worth it something I thank you both...

  3. Yay! The purpose of my post is to warm the heart and it succeed! Hahaha well sir, ang hirap po kasi magpost lalo na kapag hindi enough yung feeling of wanting to write. When I wrote this I was in the best condition and mood ^^ Without this familiar feeling, what will my work seem like,right?

    Busy, or baka po nahihiya silang magpost sir. OR, baka di sila yung mga type ng taong mahilig sa ganito haha. Thanks din sir, for encouraging us to post here. It helps as a lot, when we don't have anyone else to tell these small stories to.
