Monday, March 30, 2015

God's favorite gifts

I was with a fox that was also a bus last night. I danced my hearts out with big
furry rounded bears two nights ago. While waiting for my mom, I shared a roof with
rabbit that sings with flutes and harps.

Beauty of the imagination can a tell a story that can speak a thousand tales. We
as beings share a fact in each and everyone or thing in this universe and that is
time is bounded to us or we are to it. Demise or new beginning may start after death.
That is fate. We as human beings grow old. We gain so much as we grow, some may gain
more weight than others, but we may also lose something in return. We
may lose track of what is and must be, an embodiment in which God cherishes in
one of His/Her greatest creation, the soul of the young ones that children lives as much as
they can in the days, months and years they are given.

The wonder kids experience just by going somewhere in which old folks like us
see as trivial. Kids see uncanny little tidbits moving in walls, we see ants crawling
to our food. Kids see colorful fans flapping in the air, we see butterflies just
flying. Kids see a big happy red faced something floating in the air, we see an effing
Jolibee signboard. So is maturity truly the best thing while you lose youthfulness?

Just imagine, being inside those kids minds; seeing what they are seeing,
feeling what they are feeling, dancing to what they are dancing,
and experiencing the wonder they see in a world that a whole lot take for granted.
The wonder, magic and curiousity they feel, see, hear and taste could be
boggles the mind. Many if asked and given the opportunity would like to travel
and most will say they will like to go somewhere that they still have gone to.
One big reason is that is something new, one wants to experience the newness
of a place, a feeling that kids most of their childhood experience.

Time passes, age ages and habits change and go but having a youthful heart that
cherishes innocence, curiosity, and wonder from a child in you makes a difference
that is reminiscent of a life of laughter, joy, and fun at the right amount if not more.
Children is one of God's most cherished gifts and if you are believer or not of
a God, let us just think that if we one to be closer to something extraordinary,
let us not forsake a quality, an age, that keeps life a more wonderful home to be
part of - a world of wonder....

Just watched a DVD copy of "Big Hero 6" last week with my nephew...and goodness...even though it was my 3rd time watching it, there were these some parts of the movie which I thought was not funny but I got to laugh my hearts out because my nephew led to laughter to the said scenes...It is a good fistbump to kids at heart there...tralalalalal!


  1. "So is maturity truly the best thing while you lose youthfulness?"

    I love youthfulness so much. The childlike
    innocence, the laughter, the joy, and their colorful imagination is my alternate heaven, my relaxation. I was in a world surrounded by people who(not all of them) expected me to act mature, well because of my age. Because of that, I think Ifailed to do so. Knowing the 'must-know' things in real life is a continuous struggle for me. I
    always think I'm always late and last for everything. I was a kid in most eyes, well i partially liked it haha! Anyway, so much for that. Have to stop. I need a diary xD

    Nice post, sir. I can agree and relate to it a lot. I suddenly wanted to watch my fave cartoons again....

    1. Haha, cartoons childish yet so fun...being a kid in most eyes makes you the star, or at the least, makes you invisible...makes you do a lot of alone things...and I like those times...Thanks for the sharing...

  2. I believe that we can mature without losing our innocence, our childlike attitude..
    The best thing about children Is they seldom think about their future.. so they have the Chance to enjoy present and they were really appreciative even in the smallest thing..
    Children really amaze me..

    1. someone said "the best time to be happy is right now"...

  3. I am a fan of this work.. it was really nice..
    kids tends to be inquisitive, understandably coz that is how they are supposed to be...
    kids are full of wonders and innocence.. they are not judgemental, not commited to any narrow points of view. Unlike adults who are are locked into a pattern of thinking that blocks creativity. That's why we miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be young again, and that freshness never fades..
    There are no seven wonders in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.

    1. Wow!!! nice million wonders! oh man...that is such a sweet perspective...and I sucks sometimes some tend to "adults who are are locked into a pattern" in a negative way...anyways...thank for the comments you guys...really nice ah...I learn more from you both...

  4. Really sir you've learn something from us? we're kind of flattered naman..
    but really it was nice that we are able to share our thoughts and feelings...
